Monday, October 24, 2011

The Kerchunk of Truth

pattern of water of swimming pool with light in it Stock Photo - 5009619
The Rings of Belief

Close your eyes.

Now, say the word truth and feel, see, hear where it lands in your body. 

Now, say the word belief and feel, see, hear where it lands in your body.

Were they different? 

Did you find that truth had a weight to it, a sound to it, that was different than belief?

I did. 

The first time this happened, I experienced the sound of truth. The feeling of truth. It went kerchunk.  It landed just like a slug in a jukebox or the stone thrown in the pond.

Belief on the other hand hovered:   no landing, no feeling, no kerchunk. 

The energy of these two words was very different.  This surprised me.  At one time, I would have told you that the meaning, the quality and the feeling of these two words was the same. 

Not now.  Not so.  Not after the kerchunk.

The stone (truth) is that which cuts through and lands solidly at the bottom of the pond and the rings (belief) are the ripples upon the water that dissolve until a new truth drops in and creates more waves of belief. 

I like the way this feels.  I like the way this sounds. That which feels unshakable and that which feels shaky.  This visceral kerchunk. It is very freeing to have a belief, especially one that feels painful and limiting, be just that; a limiting belief.  Now, some beliefs may stand the test of time and one day become a truth.  The little acorn of belief that grew up to be a truth.   This thought never occurred to me before...a belief evolving into a truth.  Interesting.  An interesting idea.

So, if you are wresting with a belief that has you in its grip, and it feels painful and limiting, throw it in the pond and watch - feel - listen.

Does it go kerchunk?  Or does it merely make rings in the shallows; waves on the surface of your life?

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Mary, interesting little exercise and I definitely felt the difference!
