Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Horton Hears A Who

"I am here, I am here."

That is what the "little who" says to Horton in Dr. Seuss's classic tale.

This is what the writer within continues to say, in a quiet little whisper, sometimes almost imperceptible voice.

But speak it does.

And I am listening.

I have an intention, a dream, a plan, a goal, a journey, (alright, I know you get it, it's me I am talking too) to write a book. I believe in the power of the intuitive voice to change, to heal, to transform and this is what I intend to write about and to share.

Funny You Would Say That:

This Is Your Intuition Speaking.

The "soul" purpose of this blog is to aid in that write.

So, I begin again this journey with this small writing step.

And just like Horton, I believe and I hear the "who" that is speaking to me and through me.

So, I ask, are you listening to that "little who" inside and what, oh what does it want you to hear?


  1. I hear you! I hear me!

    I love you!

  2. Great to hear all the voices. Yesterday your voice on the phone - a rich conversation. Today the voice of the writer manifesting intuition. Charming image of the WHO. And yes I hear the voice at times so loud and clear I look down my shirt (it seems to come from the heart area) and I really pay attention. Both my income and my hair color are in my life because of listening and going with the flow. Nothing too big or too small. LOVE COMES BACK FOR EVERYTHING! Yay!

  3. Thanks for the comments! Love everyone is a rich conversation Mumma!
