Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Hope Springs Eternal

People don't cry when they lose their hope, they cry when they get it back.
~Martha Beck, Finding Your Own NorthStar


It is an aptly named month in the calendar.  There is a rhythm and a flow to March that has us doing just what it says...march.  There is a get going quality to this third month in the yearly cycle.  The old saying goes, "March comes in like a lion and out like a lamb."

Well, the lion is roaring.

I notice this in my life and in my practice.  There are a lot of people dealing with so many changes, and challenges and choices.  And with this 'c' of change, (forgive me, the alliteration was just too tempting) I am reminded of Martha Beck's brilliant observation in the quote above:

People don't cry when they lose their hope, they cry when they get it back.

So as we move through this cycle of winter ending and spring awakening, keep this hope-full inspired idea about tears in mind.  I find that when I cry or a client cries during a session, it feels very much like hope springs eternal.  The tears are flowing, the act of crying is cleansing and healing and a sense of renewal takes the place of the gripping tension, resistance and fear of the moment before.

Let your hope spring eternal this month even if the tears flow.


  1. Thanks for mentioning my book in your blog list. Makes me happy that you found it useful.
    Best wishes,
    Patricia Ryan Madson

  2. Patricia...oh my, thank you for your lovely comment. I will email you separately about my connection to your book. Such a funny synchronicity as I have a plan to write a blog post about how your book has inspired my life, my work and my coaching practice. Thank you so much for your comment and for your beautiful and wise work in the world.
    All my best,
