The Story of Oz is timeless.
It sparks the imagination in so many ways and with the birth of Wicked several years ago, another variation of this story is inspiring new generations. The story is rich in symbolic images and inspiration. Born out of this story is the classic phrase, "You're not in Kansas anymore." We chuckle, that nervous chuckle, when we say this. Something about Kansas was comfortable, safe, known. No surprise that Kansas is the state that is smack in the middle on the map. I find this an interesting image. We leave the "middle place" to go out on a journey and experience a much bigger world and then we return to home, back where we started, only different than before.
Lots of people are going on journeys and for so many people, they are the accidental tourist, the reluctant traveler, "dazed and confused." But something different is happening right now, isn't it. Everyone can feel it, we are all so much more "sensitive." That is such an excellent word...our senses, all of them, all six, are really waking up. So many of us are feeling more and more, and numbing out less and less. And there are so many more resources available to support all this feeling. There are more specialists than ever before, really someone for everyone, be it a doctor, therapist, coach, chiropractor, shaman, psychic, spiritual teacher, friend, parent, spirit guide, massage therapist, acupuncturist, hairdresser. Depending on how far from Kansas you have traveled, you many have encountered many on the list, whether you believe in them or not. I have had powerful conversations with the lady at the post office and the perfect stranger. I love that phrase, perfect stranger. I bet a whole lot of you out there are meeting the perfect strangers...the person who shows up at just the right time, with information, opportunity or experience, the proverbial messenger.
So, here's my hunch. I went through a spontaneous and powerful spiritual awakening in 2006 and I didn't know for the five years before that what the hell was going on. I can tell you I was at times terrified, angry, exhausted, afraid, overwhelmed, defiant, stubborn. My life felt out of control and I couldn't figure it out, think my way through it. Sound familiar to anyone? So, I want to save you some time and energy and clue you in to some of the "symptoms" of a spiritual awakening. Like it or not, this is often what is happening. This way, you have more awareness and resources than fear, anger, resistance or pain. I wish for you the opportunity to feel curious, optimistic and more rested while your spirit is able to join in with your body and mind. Less work and more play!
1. You begin to notice that you are made of electricity and your body tingles, buzzes, vibrates at random times. (I recommend with any physical signs that you always consult with a doctor about your symptoms and rule in or out other medical conditions.) You can have a spiritual awakening AND a physical imbalance at the same time. One doesn't exclude the other.
2. You see shimmering lights and colors around people or objects and you have never had this experience before.
3. You notice repeating numbers, patterns and events and they feel so significant and important but you don't know why.
4. You notice the repeating patterns and you are willing to share this out loud with someone you trust.
5. You feel overwhelmed with emotion, positive uncontrollable laughter or the inability to hold back tears and you feel a little crazy and out of control.
6. You are inspired to act spontaneously, go where you are guided and make decisions based on an emotional knowing or feeling rather than a rational pre-planned thought.
7. You are able to be in one room and view what is taking place in another room with the "eye in your mind." Or have a conversation in your mind with someone at 8 am and then the phone rings at 12 noon and you have the conversation all over again. You are able, just like the movie theatre, to "preview" coming attractions.
8. You experience a sense of calm and peacefulness like you have never experienced before.
9. Your dreams are powerful and prophetic and your "dream-life" starts to become your "waking-life."
10. You write, draw, paint deeply significant and meaningful images or words but you have no idea what until later and then you discover that it is something significant and the electrical, physical sensations start and you are back at number 1 on the list.
This kind of awakening is intense and often physical. Know that there is lots of support and guidance out there...though, I have a hunch that you already know this!
It sparks the imagination in so many ways and with the birth of Wicked several years ago, another variation of this story is inspiring new generations. The story is rich in symbolic images and inspiration. Born out of this story is the classic phrase, "You're not in Kansas anymore." We chuckle, that nervous chuckle, when we say this. Something about Kansas was comfortable, safe, known. No surprise that Kansas is the state that is smack in the middle on the map. I find this an interesting image. We leave the "middle place" to go out on a journey and experience a much bigger world and then we return to home, back where we started, only different than before.
Lots of people are going on journeys and for so many people, they are the accidental tourist, the reluctant traveler, "dazed and confused." But something different is happening right now, isn't it. Everyone can feel it, we are all so much more "sensitive." That is such an excellent word...our senses, all of them, all six, are really waking up. So many of us are feeling more and more, and numbing out less and less. And there are so many more resources available to support all this feeling. There are more specialists than ever before, really someone for everyone, be it a doctor, therapist, coach, chiropractor, shaman, psychic, spiritual teacher, friend, parent, spirit guide, massage therapist, acupuncturist, hairdresser. Depending on how far from Kansas you have traveled, you many have encountered many on the list, whether you believe in them or not. I have had powerful conversations with the lady at the post office and the perfect stranger. I love that phrase, perfect stranger. I bet a whole lot of you out there are meeting the perfect strangers...the person who shows up at just the right time, with information, opportunity or experience, the proverbial messenger.
So, here's my hunch. I went through a spontaneous and powerful spiritual awakening in 2006 and I didn't know for the five years before that what the hell was going on. I can tell you I was at times terrified, angry, exhausted, afraid, overwhelmed, defiant, stubborn. My life felt out of control and I couldn't figure it out, think my way through it. Sound familiar to anyone? So, I want to save you some time and energy and clue you in to some of the "symptoms" of a spiritual awakening. Like it or not, this is often what is happening. This way, you have more awareness and resources than fear, anger, resistance or pain. I wish for you the opportunity to feel curious, optimistic and more rested while your spirit is able to join in with your body and mind. Less work and more play!
So, (tongue in cheek) here are the top 10 "You Know Your Not In Kansas Anymore When..."
1. You begin to notice that you are made of electricity and your body tingles, buzzes, vibrates at random times. (I recommend with any physical signs that you always consult with a doctor about your symptoms and rule in or out other medical conditions.) You can have a spiritual awakening AND a physical imbalance at the same time. One doesn't exclude the other.
2. You see shimmering lights and colors around people or objects and you have never had this experience before.
3. You notice repeating numbers, patterns and events and they feel so significant and important but you don't know why.
4. You notice the repeating patterns and you are willing to share this out loud with someone you trust.
5. You feel overwhelmed with emotion, positive uncontrollable laughter or the inability to hold back tears and you feel a little crazy and out of control.
6. You are inspired to act spontaneously, go where you are guided and make decisions based on an emotional knowing or feeling rather than a rational pre-planned thought.
7. You are able to be in one room and view what is taking place in another room with the "eye in your mind." Or have a conversation in your mind with someone at 8 am and then the phone rings at 12 noon and you have the conversation all over again. You are able, just like the movie theatre, to "preview" coming attractions.
8. You experience a sense of calm and peacefulness like you have never experienced before.
9. Your dreams are powerful and prophetic and your "dream-life" starts to become your "waking-life."
10. You write, draw, paint deeply significant and meaningful images or words but you have no idea what until later and then you discover that it is something significant and the electrical, physical sensations start and you are back at number 1 on the list.
This kind of awakening is intense and often physical. Know that there is lots of support and guidance out there...though, I have a hunch that you already know this!
I enjoyed this as a nice piece of writing. You seem able to infuse heavy subjects with a sense of lightness and humor. Sharing the possible physical signs of awakening to a broader audience can be so useful to the reader who might exclaim "Oh! That's me. Is this what is happening? Wow! I'm not crazy although I am losing my mind."