I am curious.
I think I have always been curious, but for many years it was masked under a lot of blind-control, i.e. fear, anxiety, nice and careful choices.
Well, the blinders came off several years ago and with this new found vision came the experience of curiosity. I wonder about things, I am excited, open, aware. It is such an interesting and alive way to live as oppose to the oftentimes oppressive way I lived before. There is a freedom to experiment more, to fall and fail, to start again...and a wonderful by-product of curiosity is LAUGHTER. I notice that I laugh a lot now.
Out loud.
Sometimes a big, out loud laugh several times a day...sometimes several times an hour. I have even clocked laughing several times in one minute! Pure heaven to laugh so much. I don't recall having some much to laugh about...now, there have been some challenging times the last several years and believe me when I say, all those aphorisms are correct:
"Laughter is the best medicine,"
"Laugh and the whole world laughs with you,"
"If you don't laugh, you'll cry," (well, there has been plenty of crying too, which is also good, but that is a post for another day.)
I like this idea of curiosity and I will continue to explore more...
For the moment, I am happy...and curious!
Hi dear. So enjoyed this post. In the midst of my own stress it is a joy to envision you laughing and laughing and laughing. We will never have too many LOL's!