My success is in my hands.
Stop a moment and really feel the power and the resonance of this statement. When I am in my "right" mind, I do this naturally. But there are lots of times when I am not in my right mind and I can't tell what is true and what is illusion.
This is what I have discovered over the years. Intuitive insight, just like a sword, cuts through the mind chatter and liberates and illuminates. I ask clients to stop and really listen to what they just said, "I race against the clock," "I can't hear myself think," "The walls are closing in." Now, these very expressions of frustration and limitation shift when we stop and really feel or sense the energy behind the words. Take the moment to stop and be aware of the power and intention of words. Really feel the vibration, feel the statement. Like a bell that rings and we hear the lingering music linger long after it was struck or the pebble tossed on the pond and the rings spreading out across the water long after the pebble has disappeared, words strung together have this same capacity when we really pay attention. Because words are just a vehicle for the non-verbal energy behind the words.
My success is in my hands.
Ok, so here's the magical story...
Years and years ago, I wanted to be a massage therapist. I LOVED the idea, but every time I thought about studying for a license, I had the thought, "This will kill me. I am WAY to sensitive to put my hands on people." The desire always stayed, the thought "I would love to get my hands on people...literally. I might have had my "Zen" death in my 30's had I been willing to die."
Now, after I went through the kundalini awakening, I noticed that in addition to the increased intuitive perceptions visually, I was aware of a sensitivity through my hands. Now, I still haven't trained in massage, but I do give them to friends and family. I began to notice that when I put my hands on people, I received all kinds of information about their body, health and energy. I sensed where "stress" pockets were or where stuff didn't feel balanced. It was really cool. However, I was in two other training/educational programs, so I didn't commit to massage or bodywork programs. I finished my coursework in 2009 and started my coaching business. I love what I am doing, but I still notice this desire to "get me hands on people."I was guided to buy a book one day, that I did NOT want to buy called "Hands of Light" by Barbara Brennan, but the desire was strong, so I followed the desire. A great deal of the book still eludes part of me, but there is a lot that makes sense and has been inspirational over the last couple years. But still...
Well, this is where it felt so magical the last several months and with my mother's wise comment...thank you Mumma, it all shifted into place like a beautiful kaleidoscope and I always know when this is true because I began to cry...I was moved - message received. The details were this...
In late summer, I started working with two amazing women for their mobile fingerprinting business. If you live in the San Jose area they are Verify Group, Inc. and they have an awesome business model. I work on-call on big jobs for them. It cracked me up to get my "Fingerprint Roller" certificate. It has been a fun way to make some additional money and meet all kinds of great people.
Next, my aforementioned friend Keisha saw a posting for a free tele-course on hand analysis by a fellow Martha Beck coach named Caryn Reddick. Her business is called Success Statement and her tele-course was really fascinating. Now, my hunch is I was open and interested in Caryn's business niche only because I had recently gone to work for Verify Group. I signed up for a four week class with her to have the fingerprint analysis and have my personalized profile. Additionally, I just thought it would be interesting to have this information for my clients and tidbits for the fingerprinting jobs. SO, I started that last week and it has been fascinating and so accurate.
Well, then, as I posted this week, the beautiful image of using my fingers to read in braille floated up the other day. It was a very powerful image. Well, then my mother made a comment about having the information at my fingertips and just then, all the desire to put my hands on people flooded back in. I had this very, VERY strong sense that I had these amazing, encoded messages in my fingerprints and in my hands and Caryn's tools were a key. Life just keeps dropping images, like bread crumbs, along the trail for me to follow. We can take a LONG time between the intial desire and the physical manifestation.
So, instead of getting off-track with 10 other programs, or thoughts of a Ph.D. or three new creative adventures, my next focus will be to get certified in acupressure and see where that journey takes me. It will then be so exciting to combine my listening hands, with my creative insights and the intuitive intelligence tools...feels like a winning, "successful" combination.
Oh, one last funny piece to the story. The picture in this post...right after I finished the call with my mother, I went looking for a picture to put on the blog. I wanted an image that wasn't copyrighted and none of the free sites had what I wanted. I stumbled across this website, http://www.123rf.com/ and the home page of the site says,
"Creative images at your fingertips!"
Laugh out loud. The universe has an amazing sense of humor! For me, creative images are indeed, at my fingertips.
So, gratitude today to so many - my mother Jeannie for her insight and her unwavering support of my creative awakening, to Lisa and Susan at Verify Group, Inc. http://www.verifygroup.com/ for the fun of working with them and to Caryn Reddick for my "success statement" http://www.caryninc.com/. It is wonderful to have so many new connections.
Here is to the belief that success is in all our hands. And if you don't yet believe it, just ask Caryn, it's in your hands!
Another very well composed post. You are just one big flowing river of insight! Very moving that the insight about fingertips went so deep in you. Redemption, as you know, always makes my soul sing more than anything. I like to think not so much about success being in your hands but that LIFE will shine through your hands as a way of manifesting in this human life. You are truly graced.
ReplyDeleteLovely Mumma...success is that life shines through! I feel truly graced at times.