Tuesday, April 3, 2012


A Peony from Fioli

This is a special dedication that graced my life today from Julia Cameron's book Blessings.  I wanted to share this beautiful gift on the blog tonight.  Peace and love to all.  Thanks to my friend Colleen for this beautiful peony as a gift and love and light to my friend Annette.

The Universe Teaches Me With Gentle Love

Spirit mentors me with care and accuracy.  As I open my heart and my hand to be counseled, I am partnered by divine wisdom.  it is a great blessing that I do not walk alone.  I am not without guidance.  In everyday, in every moment, there is a source of divine guidance available to me if I will turn within.   There is no separation, only the forgetting of union.  As I realize, accept, and appreciate my union with divinity, all things unfold for me more clearly.  As I accept the grace within my current circumstances, my grace increases and flows forward to prepare my future.  My life is a life of abundant blessings. My heart is a home for grace and good.  As I cherish the gifts which accompany me now, I see greater gifts, greater love still unfolding.  As I open my eyes to see and my ears to hear.  I find the beauty of life is dazzling.  This green planet, this garden, returns to grace as I am guided to husband it as careful as I would my child.  Graced and protected by higher forces, acutely attuned to higher goods, I protect and shepherd this planet to deepened health.  My guidance blesses me and all I touch.

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