Not one bit. And here's my hunch. Because nothing IS something, well, in my case, one thing.
The little light bulb popped, as they are oft to do in my head, and the phrase 'the art of doing onething' showed up. I sighed a deep sigh. Now that felt true, that felt real. THE one. And all the funny symbolic images, phrases and words came marching through my mind: Admit One, One Singular Sensation, One Hand, One Heart and in my case even One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, as my nearest and dearest are apt to think about me at times.
See, as meanful coincidence (aka: my favorite word synchronicity) would have it, I have been wrestling with the one thing from the something in my business. So, I hired me a branding coach. And not just any branding coach. A branding from the inside out coach. A find your Inner Brandifesto coach. (Because, in my case, the most quirky thing about myself is my strongest card in my deck. More about that in a moment.) Just a week ago today, I had my first business branding coaching session with Laurie Foley at A little plug. It's my blog and I will shine my light where I want. She's fantastic. It was a mind-mapping, brain-storming, head-exploding experience. Hire her.
Well, this one session was electric because I was ready to focus on the one singular sensation that is as Laurie says, my brand from the inside out. You see, I think of myself as a hybrid, at the cross section of coaching and intuitive consulting and blending them has clarified for me and certainly in the session with Laurie, that it is high time to lead with my strength. Where leading with the coaching felt safe, leading with intuition feels true.
I'm Intuitive.
A Professional Intuitive.
My own unique never been another like me professional intuitive.
That's the brand. That's the ticket. The Admit One (at a time) ticket.
And after leading with that, I can be anything else I want. But it is time to clearly put my best foot forward.
So, what is your Art of Doing One Thing? What are you best at? What can you do all day and all night that makes you ridiculously happy?
Mine is using intuition like a detective to explore with clients, ( AND myself, family, friends, co-workers, the guy behind me in the line at the movies, the waitress at the diner and the mom in the library parking lot) the mysteries that keep us from LIVING the JOYS of personal growth and the REWARDS of professional development. You might say I am Nancy Drew for the unconscious.
A Nancy Drew who is ridiculously good at finding things.
One thing at a time.
What can I find for you?
Admit one. And if that feels good, admit another one.
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