Sunday, July 17, 2011

Developing Intuition - A 21st Century Tool

Over the last several years, I have trained and launched an intuitive coaching practice.  I remember when I first began my studies, a word that returned again and again was tool.  I pictured this image of a carpenters tool belt with every imaginable tool available for my journey.  As I continue to use and develop intuition and intuitive insight, I saw the ability to ACT upon intuitive wisdom lead to some powerful changes in my life and for my clients.  I use the word 'lead' deliberately, as in lead-'her.'  The addition of the intuitive tool to build my life, to open up new pathways, first in my mind and then in my life, has been profound. 

There isn't anyone who doesn't possess this tool in their tool belt, but you may find that you just reach for that hammer each and every time.  Reflex.  See how many other tools are in the belt?

I was trained by Martha Beck and her amazing staff of coaches and this was a recent post of Martha's in O Magazine.  It is a great article with some wonderful exercises and insights.

Martha's article was timely.  I launched an intuitive coaching group through  The link  The blend of intuition, energy work and life coaching has been powerful alchemy for me and I am hearing from participants, clients and friends that this blend is opening up their minds in unforeseen ways.  One of the very powerful means to opening up the mind is to ask questions.  In the Martha Beck training, there is a wonderful tool called the marmoset response.  Marmoset's are VERY curious creatures and Martha has a delightful way of sharing with humor and wisdom.  The marmoset response is very akin to the traditions of the eastern spiritual practices in asking questions and staying present through awareness.  Answers are never an endpoint, only the place from which more questions arise.

At the meetups, I encourage the group to ask questions and a great technique is to have a large supply of three by five cards on hand.  They are a great size with limited space that can help focus the minds question. This question was submitted by a participant at the June meetup.  He asked great questions and I took the card away and pondered.  I later emailed him my response.  I told him after I wrote him, that this would make a great post for the blog.  I have been meaning to post for the past few weeks, but when Martha's column was published this month, the timing to post was perfect.

Here was Question #1:

 What beliefs interfere with intuition?

Time: There are so many beliefs around time that can limit the ability to trust and act upon intuitive insight when we believe that time is linear and fixed.

Freedom: There are so many shared beliefs around our perceptions of the "shoulds" in life and the difference between "pain" and "suffering."

Religion: Depending on ones religious upbringing, there are shared beliefs that block acknowledgment around intuitive/physic experience.

Relationships and Self-Perception/Sense of Self: How we view ourselves and feel about ourselves; our sense of empowerment and trust in our own experiences. Do we tend to be leaders or followers? Have we been conditioned to accept shared agreements around what is real and what is imagined.

Cultural Norms/Societal Agreements: There is overlap in some of these categories, but cultural beliefs may impact acknowledgment of intuitive abilities and insights separate from religion.

And Question #2:

 What are some tip-offs that we might unconsciously have some of these beliefs?

Resistance/Struggling: I think this is a great "tip-off" that there is more to be examine than meets the "eye" so to speak. Whether resistance in mind or body, generally this is a clue and the "detective" in us can explore and ask more questions.

Recognizing patterns: Generally, if we are unconsciously connecting with our intuitive insights, but are not recognizing this, a tip-off may be to notice patterns, very much like your plane crashes experiences. Now, I don't know that the adage "everything comes in three's" is always apt, there can be a pattern to "3" that can draw awareness out of the unconscious and into recognition. Many individuals report experiences with digital clocks and seeing repeating patterns. This connects with the idea of sacred geometry and noticing balance and harmony in nature and ourselves where we might only see chaos and disorder.

Fatigue/Illness/Unusual body experiences: These may be a tip-off. Generally, our body has a great deal of information to share with us and we have some shared beliefs around the mind being the wise center that knows all and thus the body is often "disbelieved."

I welcome input and comments on other blocks or beliefs that you have noticed that interfere with your ability to use intuitive wisdom and insight and take action. 
What's in your tool belt?

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