Monday, October 25, 2010

Curious? Let Go and Find Out...

I am curious.

I think I have always been curious, but for many years it was masked under a lot of blind-control, i.e. fear, anxiety, nice and careful choices.

Well, the blinders came off several years ago and with this new found vision came the experience of curiosity. I wonder about things, I am excited, open, aware. It is such an interesting and alive way to live as oppose to the oftentimes oppressive way I lived before. There is a freedom to experiment more, to fall and fail, to start again...and a wonderful by-product of curiosity is LAUGHTER. I notice that I laugh a lot now.

Out loud.

Sometimes a big, out loud laugh several times a day...sometimes several times an hour. I have even clocked laughing several times in one minute! Pure heaven to laugh so much. I don't recall having some much to laugh, there have been some challenging times the last several years and believe me when I say, all those aphorisms are correct:

"Laughter is the best medicine,"

"Laugh and the whole world laughs with you,"

"If you don't laugh, you'll cry," (well, there has been plenty of crying too, which is also good, but that is a post for another day.)
I like this idea of curiosity and I will continue to explore more...
For the moment, I am happy...and curious!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Symbols: The Universal Language

Today is 10-10-10...the 10th month on the 10th day in the "10th" year! A day like any other day or is it? That is the amazing opportunity when inspired by symbols...the universal language! This idea of 10 10 10 will mean different things to every person who sees and connects...that is the beauty of this particular language. Though universal, it has the capacity, just like other languages to transmit, if you will, different meanings through different sources! So, what "source" are you? What does 10 10 10 inspire in you today?

I have always noticed patterns, puzzles and symbols throughout my life and after 2006, they took on an even deeper meaning and source of inspiration and guidance. For years now, 10:10 on the clock and 11:11 have been patterns I notice A LOT! Others have shared that for them, they have times where the pattern is 12:34 or 9:11. It is a fun and creative way to "receive" inspiration through day to day objects, clocks, signs on the freeway, ads on television (if anyone is even watching anymore with all those DVR's) a random passage in a book and on and on and on! When we notice these patterns or "random" bits of information that don't seem so random, it feels like we are having a conversation with something bigger than ourselves, be it life, the universe, God, our higher self, our intuitive intelligence. For me, I have found these "conversations" to be incredibly "en-lightening" and the gift of this awareness has brought a tremendous sense of freedom, liberation and peace to my life. I hear from others, family, friends and clients too, that being aware and noticing of sychronistic symbols and information has brought peace and freedom to them as well.

Now, we won't always know what the symbol means, but over time, just like an amazing dream; the key if you will, the decoder ring, the "ah ha" moment shows up and there is a clarity and a shift in perception and "zing"...a falling into place! And then the experience starts all over again!

I began to notice 10 10 10 after I went through a spontaneous kundalini awakening in 2006...along with a whole host of other symbols. What struck me about 10 10 10 was that it resembled the binary code used in programming...a series of 1's and 0's. Now, for me, this is a hilariously obscure piece of information that I remembered from a basic programming class. I was a college recruiter for an electronics company in my 20's. In order to better understand our products and programming, I took a introductory course at a local community college! Who would have thought that this information would prove to be so inspirational so many years later. Programming is achieved by using a series of combinations of 1's and 0's. In addition, there are only two commands, ON and OFF or said another way, OPEN and CLOSED! This was a great reminder of my own programming, my own on and off switch! What was open and what was closed? Hence, for me, why 10 10 10 today feels so special...there is a sense of magic about it!

So, what is speaking to you today? What patterns have you noticed? What is getting your attention? It may not be 10, 10, 10...but my hunch is that you have noticed something, even peripherally. I invite the awareness to come into focus, to literally speak to you today, and you are free to speak back! In my case, learning to speak this language has literally changed my life...and I am reminded of the line from the film Jerry McGuire..."you had me at hello!"