It occurred to me the other day that the metaphor of punctuation was apt in looking at the way I viewed life. I observed this "punctuation" if you will, not only in my own life but in the lives of my clients as they explore their intuitive wisdom and abilities...as they tap into the amazing amount of energy all around us.
For many years, I noticed that life was a series of periods. Ah, project finished, task completed, dot the eye and cross the proverbial "T."
And after the awakening in 2006, there was an awareness of the ellipsis... a form of punctuation that I see so often in writing today, no more periods, no false stops, but an awareness that there is a continual stream noted by the simple ...
Now, I have been aware lately of another shift in punctuation. I see life as a series of commas, pauses, sometimes short, sometime INTERMINABLY long, but only pauses, not endings. And you know what, there is a calmness, a peaceful core that feels the truth of this...life is a series of commas.
What is your punctuation? What do you notice in the "accents" to your story, the story of your life? How will it be punctuated today?
Hey Mar! What an absolutely delightfully original piece of perception. New ways of perceiving, seeing are so exciting. They carry joy. I am very aware that I am an exclamation mark sort of person which fits me. I can be a bit over the top (some would say WAY). Leo's are called gushers, usually by some earth sign and I am sure we look that way. I see myself as an appreciator and celebrator. I am a great audience. Thus so many !!!!!!!!!!!!!!'s So pleasing to hear you two days in a row!!