I just returned from my 30th high school reunion! (but this is another blog talk-write story for another time.) I had a blast, but the really interesting part of this experience was that for the first time in my life, I flew stand-by! Let me tell you how this adventure came about...we have been going through a long financial drought, like the Israelites in the desert, l-o-n-g. (again, another blog talk...oh you get the idea.) Suffice it to say, any deal these days is researched and considered. I really wanted to attend my reunion, but that required an airline ticket to Scottsdale, Arizona. I have a new, wonderful friend from the Martha Beck coaching program named Bonnie and she works for Southwest Airlines...SO I thought I would check with Bonnie about an amazing, super-secret coupon code I could pop into the Southwest site and save hundreds of dollars off my ticket, (okay, NOT hundreds, but maybe a $10 or $20 savings, remember the Israelites in the desert?) Well, lovely Bonnie said, "Yes, there is a great deal I know about...I have free airline passes and I would like to send you one as a gift!" Well, little did I know about THAT coupon code; you type "loving-kindness" in the coupon space and fly, fly, fly! So, lovely Bonnie sent me a ticket and then walked me through the in's and outs of flying stand-by (or as the professionals call it, Non-Rev-ing, for No Revenue). First, we looked at the flights with the most seats unsold and picked a flight for Friday morning and one for Sunday morning, as well as a couple of backups. I then printed a security pass, no "boarding pass" yet because I wasn't booked on the flight. I must say, my old personality would never have been able to "stand-by." I would have wanted to know the outcome before I even ventured out the door (though, really, we never know that outcome do we, we only "think" we control the universe!) So, in the past I would have been booked on the flight, paid for it, had my boarding pass and I, quote, unquote, would have known the outcome. I am so happy to say that I loved standing by. I have used this phrase a lot the last several years. So much is able to be received because I am out of the way. Really, I say this multiple times a day, well okay, multiple times a week, "I got out of the way and life lived me, I am stepping aside, I am...standing by. (Standing by the way, not kneeling, or sitting or lying down...standing by.) So, off I went to the airport, security pass in hand, suitcase packed to carry on. Now, let me say a thing or two about carrying on. In my past incarnation, this would have thrown me into apoplectic shock, all the rules, regulations, security checkpoints,"Liquid Over Three Ounces" sniffing dogs patrolling the airport terminals looking for ME. Not now because...say it with me, I am standing by! I followed Bonnie's sage advice and I sailed through security in 2.5 seconds, I arrived at the gate to be handed a boarding pass sight unseen, no suspense, no will I make this flight, no, a boarding pass in hand an hour and a half before departure. I settled in on the aisle seat an hour plus later with the other two seats next to me empty...this standing by was going beautifully! On Sunday morning, I arrived at the airport prepared to take the 9:15 am flight to San Jose. Things were feeling a little dicier on this end. The airport was really crowded, security was backed up, the "Three Ounce Liquid Limit" sniffing dogs were on patrol and I thought, "hmmhmm, will I make this San Jose flight? Bonnie had selected a backup option and there was a 10:45 am flight into San Francisco, not as convenient, but a choice nonetheless. I was right down to the wire with the 9:15 am San Jose flight and...I did not get on! The flight was overbooked by 1 and they all showed up and then some. So, I called my husband, Drew to say that I didn't make the San Jose flight and that I would need to fly into SFO. He said, "that works out great because my mother had emergency gallbladder surgery this morning and I can pick you up and we can go see her at the hospital!" Well, well, well...there is that word I like so much...wasn't that perfectly clever and lovely of life to have me stand-by while it worked out all the details! I had a easy flight to San Francisco, a lovely visit with my mother-in-law and a feeling of leaning back into life and watching it all unfold! It is a great reminder that this experience is available everyday, in every way . So, take a moment, call your friend Bonnie or Sue or Hannah Jeanne and then...stand-by, just stand-by and watch what happens!
This post is dedicated to Bonnie Shapley and Kimba Livesay who have inspired and encouraged me to write this blog! I will be appearing tomorrow, yes, the storyteller, the woman of MANY words, as a guest on their new Radio Blog Show, Take The Wheel. So, to Kimba and Bonnie, thanks for believing in me, supporting me, encouraging me...until tomorrow...good-night!
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