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A 'peek' experience |
No, I didn't happen to get to that Summit in Nepal, not yet. I went to a different Summit...a different peak. This Summit was in Phoenix and it was a gathering of Martha Beck coaches. The theme was The League of Extraordinary Coaches and it was an amazing, magical experience both personally and professionally.
Though I returned from the Summit on the 20th of March, I noticed that I have not been back to post on the blog. I started this post right after I got back but then this page remained empty for another week. This got my attention. Though the critic in my head showed up to chide me, I didn't believe all those thoughts. It made me curious as to why I just didn't keep writing and post. I began to suspect it was something about BIG experiences. There is a time of descent after the climb, of conserving energy after the expension (or expansion) of a big event. I was then struck by the insight of returning to see level. Hmmmmmm, that made me curious.
And 'see' level is exactly what happens. This play on words with peak/peek and sea/see feels so true. We are able to experience something not just with our human body but with our wise being. I know a number of coaches who attended returned home and promptly got sick with a cold or flu bug. Others reported feeling low energy, restless, sad and unsure. The phrase, the spirit was willing but the flesh was weak (or the flesh had a week of maximum energy spending.) Which feels better: weak or week? They are both true, but the energy of week is much more apt and kinder for the critical mind to absorb.
Now, there were other coaches who came home and things came together, pieces fell into place and new adventures and dreams unfolded. And that's ok too. Each journey is different. Each life path filled with peaks and peeks at different times.
I don't think it was an accident that this event was named The Summit. It was indeed a peak experience that most, if not all of the participants and staff and Martha herself, had been anticipating for months. It was indeed a league of extraordinary coaches, and events, connections and vital information that was shared over the four days. For most attendees, this was the first time 'meeting' a beloved coach, teacher and friend in person. This alone is a heady experience.
Here's my theory about BIG peak events. When we arrive at the summit of any experience, at that peak, for some, we catch a glimpse of the future, a peek, and this creates the beginning of the next adventure, the next wave, the next climb. This is why the wisdom of 'base' camp is so vital. The air at the summit, the energy, the frisson is different. So, there is a wisdom in the time to acclimate, to practice small ascents and then return to base, - small ascents, return to base - small ascents, return to base.
So, where in your life journey did you reach the peak of an experience, climb to the top of the summit and are now feeling confused, agitated, rest-less as you have returned to 'see' level? Stop and really see what new peek is on the horizon. Now, really connect to your base camp. Where is it? What or who is it filled with? How is it supporting, as all bases do, your life adventures? This is where the best journey begins.
And when you are ready, and even sometimes when you are not, the ascent begins again. Get ready for the climb of your life!