Sunday, February 27, 2011

March "Un" Madness Offering from Set In Motion: Tranformational Life Coaching

March Madness is almost here. No, not basketball. Another kind of "madness." The what am I still doing in this same rut-madness? The where did those new year resolutions go-madness? The why am I so stuck-madness? Well, I am taking a page from other coaches playbooks and I am offering a "Pay What You Can" for my coaching/intuitive consulting services for the month of March. I often find that potential clients are stopped by the three F's: fear, fatigue and finances.
So, let me "ease the way" in the finance department. My hunch is that fear and fatigue will soon follow with the benefit of a session or two. This is a great opportunity to explore energetic coaching and see what "Set In Motion" and my services are all about.
So, for those of you that have been curious - here's a nudge off of that proverbial fence. Email or call me to set up an appointment. Really, you don't need to stay "mad" forever!
In Like A Lion, Out Like a Lamb
"March roars in like a lion,
so fierce
The wind so cold,
It seems to pierce.
The month rolls on
And Spring draws near,
And March goes out
Like a lamb so dear.
~Lorie Hill
Need I say more?

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Forrest Gump Was On To Something!

The line is memorable..."life is like a box of never know what you are going to get!" Well, it is fitting on Valentines Day to talk about chocolate, life and that order. (I know my priorities!)

I have noticed over the last several months that one of the metaphors I use with clients when talking about life and balance and change is the concept of making chocolate. There is an alchemical process to making chocolate and the word to describe this delicious process is called "tempering." What a great word and how perfect it is! Tempering chocolate is everything in making chocolate. Bring up the heat too slowly and the chocolate will be lumpy and congeal...too fast and the chocolate will burn or be streaky and dull. But "tempered" just right, the chocolate is shiny and smooth and has a delicious snap to it.

Shiny, smooth, snappy! Sounds like some great adjectives to brighten up a mood, to spark one's personal begin a new day. Tempering is the balance...just the right blend of heat and time...not too much temper, anger, frustration or enough energy, passion and drive. Temper, tempering, temperature...

I spoke a bit about chocolate and life, so here's to love. To share a bit about a new love on Valentine's Day, I just finished my second weekend acupressure class and I am LOVING it! (I still have my original love, my husband Drew. Celebrating 25 years in May!) Talk about balance and harmony and energy. Big weekend commitments...classes are three days 9 am to 6 pm so I will keep aware of "balance" while adding in this new love! Get ready everyone...I want a group of "clients" for practicing!

On this day of love, sending love and blessings to a friend who had surgery today...he is in my thoughts and another who's father passed away.

Happy Valentine's Day and Happy Birthday to family and friends!

Good Night...Sweet "Tempered Chocolate Dreams!"

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Imagination and Intuition

First blog of the new February! I am thinking about video blogging because I have had 20 blog posts in my mind or in conversations with clients, family and friends that never quite make it onto the page! So, here is one that has been kicking around. Take what you like and leave the rest...

Imagination and Intuition...a powerful combination. I started to title the blog post Imagination VS. Intuition. I almost posted the "versus" because clients report this experience all the time. They have a sense that imagination is just made-up and intuition, if it is to be trusted at all, is often someone else's. I decided to use the "and" because it isn't one or the other...they are intimately related!

I use a lot of guided imagery (hence the word imagination) in my work with clients. I also work with clients to utilize intuition. Being guided through intuitive intelligence has literally changed my life and I believe it can change yours. I had a client say the other day, "How do I know this is my intuition? It feels like I am making this up!" And with this great question...we can begin.

My response was imagination and intuition are intimately "kissing cousins." The big difference in the two is: "What do you believe to be possible?" What do you believe to be true?" And I mean REALLY true. Because trusting in intuition is is em-powering in a way that imagination is not. Are you ready to be em-powered? The prefix "em" is to make into, to put into, to get into. Intuition is the "em" in power! Now, where does this "powerful" energy come from?

I observe that clients talked about their intuition in the possessive, "my intuition." (a great word in this case; the "possessive." ) And the minute the "my" shows up, then the confidence, the trust, the empowerment is wobbly. And there lies the creative leap or risk.

Intuition is a universal language. A great correlation is American Sign Language. I used the example of someone who uses American Sign Language to interpret for the hearing impaired. They are working with a universal language that can be interpreted and understood by those who have studied and learned this, again let me say, "universal" language. I invite the same awareness and understanding of intuition as a universal language expressed in a personal way.

Blink by Malcolm Gladwell is a great resource about intuition as a practical tool that can be observed, employed and trusted as a way to make meaningful decisions. The only separation is in trusting the information and not "discounting" because it came from a made-up, fanciful imagination instead of a rational, cognitive process. Like any new language, tool or resource, experience with intuitive intelligence is a process that is learned over time; that we learn to trust over time.

So, kiss your cousin today! Use your creative, "made-up" imagination to see the vision up ahead. Then observe what happens...the outcome. Enough experiences with outcomes that match imagination and my hunch is your on the trail of intuition.