The space in between...
The first time I ever experience the space in between, not thought about it, or analyzed it or challenged it, just experienced it was in meditation. It just lite up that the space between things seemed vital somehow, in a way I couldn't quite grasp with my mind. Like a word that sits just on the tip of the tongue but doesn't roll off.
At this same time, the word intercostal popped into my mind. I didn't exactly know what this word meant or why it came to visit in that quiet "absence of thought" moment. But arrive it did. I remember looking up the word: intercostal: the space between the ribs. Huh, not the rib itself, or the ribcage or the lungs, but the "space in between the ribs." I remember feeling at the time that I was being guided to pay attention to this space.
I hear this a lot. "I know where I am and I know where I want to be, but that darn, call it a million different names, the void, the abyss, the space in between must be dealt with first!"
What is it really this...space? Have you investigated?
My sister Amy uses a great analogy of the trapeze...letting go of one before catching, securely, the other trapeze...
The fear rises up then...what will happen next.
One day it hit me that the space in between isn't all those adjectives above. The thinking mind creates that thought, the survival mind that want to be secure creates the void, the abyss, the free fall.
The space in between is the PRESENT. The ever present NOW...and as Eckart Tolle describes...it is powerful.
So, checkout, investigate, reflect on the space in between...between what? The past and the future? Well, now, isn't that the present? Isn't it always the present? Just like that funny expression, "well, it is 12 noon somewhere in the world!" Well, it is high noon right now...so pay attention to what is happening right now and the discovery will be that there is only the space in between...
The first time I ever experience the space in between, not thought about it, or analyzed it or challenged it, just experienced it was in meditation. It just lite up that the space between things seemed vital somehow, in a way I couldn't quite grasp with my mind. Like a word that sits just on the tip of the tongue but doesn't roll off.
At this same time, the word intercostal popped into my mind. I didn't exactly know what this word meant or why it came to visit in that quiet "absence of thought" moment. But arrive it did. I remember looking up the word: intercostal: the space between the ribs. Huh, not the rib itself, or the ribcage or the lungs, but the "space in between the ribs." I remember feeling at the time that I was being guided to pay attention to this space.
I hear this a lot. "I know where I am and I know where I want to be, but that darn, call it a million different names, the void, the abyss, the space in between must be dealt with first!"
What is it really this...space? Have you investigated?
My sister Amy uses a great analogy of the trapeze...letting go of one before catching, securely, the other trapeze...
The fear rises up then...what will happen next.
One day it hit me that the space in between isn't all those adjectives above. The thinking mind creates that thought, the survival mind that want to be secure creates the void, the abyss, the free fall.
The space in between is the PRESENT. The ever present NOW...and as Eckart Tolle describes...it is powerful.
So, checkout, investigate, reflect on the space in between...between what? The past and the future? Well, now, isn't that the present? Isn't it always the present? Just like that funny expression, "well, it is 12 noon somewhere in the world!" Well, it is high noon right now...so pay attention to what is happening right now and the discovery will be that there is only the space in between...