I have several new clients and my current office is two chairs in my family room! One of my clients suggested that I use my living room as an office space, (brilliant idea Lisa) but I knew I would want to put doors in the archways to create the privacy. Well, I have no money to put doors on the living room, but in order to continue seeing clients throughout the summer when the kids are off school, I know I will come up with the funds from somewhere! Really, I can SEE those doors!
So, literally, the next day, my cell phone rings. Now, mostly my cell phone goes to voicemail and I check messages, but today, I am expecting a call from someone and I think this is the call, so I answer. Well, it is the 2010 Census calling to offer me a job. I had long since given up on the Census. I had easily applied over a year ago, filling out forms, taking a test, following up and never hearing back. Then, out of the blue (like the picture!) they offered me a two month position, training just up the street and with the first week of work, I can pay for the doors! I'm ecstatic...I plan to enjoy this experience working for Census and I am excited for the resources. Well, a few days later, I get a call asking if I am available to work part-time with a summer school program just for a few weeks...dovetails nicely with the census job wrapping up...yes, yes, yes I say! Then, a woman emails asking if I want to be a speaker for her organization. I find out that she took one of my cards from an event I attend six months ago...yes, yes, yes I say! I will speak on Unleashing Creativity in October. I told her that 97% of me was excited...the other 3% would like more information since I have not created and given a presentation in the last millennium. But my "future self" feels supremely confident and ready.
I love the surprise of these opportunities showing up and I love even more that my response is "Yes, yes, yes I say," even though I have no idea what is coming next. I do however trust that life has the most delicious and amazing experiences in store for me, past, present and future and I am grateful for each and every one that comes my way. Training for the Census starts at the end of the month and the work is flexible so I can continue to see clients and get my doors! And with those doors in place, there is no end to what I envision in the future for my coaching practice.
So, know that you already have the money in the bank and watch life make deposit after deposit. Trust and then...ask the 3%, or the 50% or the 97% of you to get out of the way and watch what happens when we co-create! Now, go create some future experiences and then trust that they are on there way...because they are, they are, they are!